Active — HTB Walkthrough
Nmap scan
LDAP Enumeration
Directly smbclient login doesn’t work, so we will try to access replication using smbclient
Now we know, Groups.xml if left unattended can store passwords . Lets get the file to our system and see contents
Great we see we have password of svc-tgs, ticket granting system may be ?? So I first tried to pass it to winrm directly as Hash, but it didn’t work so we need to decrypt it anyhow
1) You can do this using kali tool gpp-decrypt for Kali
2) Get-GPPassword.ps1 for windows
I did using kali as follows
Username: SVC_TGS && Password : GPPstillStandingStrong2k18
Trying SMB login worked
It gave us User.txt
Now as hinted by name it is service ticket granting service account. Why not just try kerberoasting ???
Let’s crack the administrator hash we got using john
Password is Tickermaster1968 for Administrator
I used from impacket