Bashed — HTB Walkthrough

Dhanishtha Awasthi
3 min readJul 8, 2020


WebShells — — dangerous if allowed to be deployed.


Nmap scan

Googling name of site , we see Arrexel php bash is a webshell, which requires phpbash.php or phpminbash.php to be uploaded on server and will give you a shell , if you open it using Javascript browser.

Also our site reveals the same

So accordingly I first went to , but it was not there.

So I decided to do a quick dirbuster scan

Traversing directories it shows /dev has shells

Visiting phpbash.php I got the shell



Doing sudo -l we see we have scriptmanager permission

There were priv esc methods which can take place

1) run: sudo -u scriptmanager bash

To see if you get spawned shell — — — NOP !!! We don’t … SO

2) we need to find any file which has been owned by scriptmanager to run it

We see on root folder of system that there is a separate scripts Folder

Since as www-data we cannot enter scripts. We will use scriptmanager sudo access to list its contents

Now on seeing what does ….. Is that it opens test.txt and writes testing123!! On it

But since we cannot modify test.txt — — because it is owned by root. But if test.txt is owned by root, it should be executed sometime by root.

So let’s modify to give reverse shell such that when it will be called by root to modify test.txt , it will give us a reverse shell too

First give scripts all permissions so you can enter it easily and list contents

Now execute following commands one by one

Then cat to see if you get right code

Now keep a netcat listener on — — on 1234 on your machine, whenever root will execute script , you will get a shell.. I got in 20 sec


We see there is a hidden cron job for root, to execute




Dhanishtha Awasthi
Dhanishtha Awasthi

Written by Dhanishtha Awasthi

OSCP | CEH | Cyber Security Enthusiast.

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