Cronos — HTB Walkthrough
Cronjobs need to be handled with care……
Visiting apache page we add cronos.htb to our /etc/hosts for better dig
Adding admin.cronos.htb to host file and enumerating it.Visiting website shows simple Apache page.
Visiting Admin.cronos.htb, we see a login.php page
On searching exploits for Laravel and Laracast , I found first let’s try sql injecting , if it doesn’t work we will go to Token Unserialize RCE
So captured request in burp and sent to repeater for fuzzing I see. For invalid login attempt it shows , either username or password is wrong
Reference strings for SQL injection
Let’s log in. We see
A nettool which allows us to either traceroute or ping. Traceroute doesn’t do anything . For ping on we see
Great let’s fuzz with ping. Doing the following
Using one liner bash and listening on port 1234
Going to /home/noulis we find user flag
Looking for cronjobs we see
We have writable file /var/www/laravel/artisan which is running as root
So what we will do is write php script to give a reverse shell, when root will execute artisan it will spawn its shell . Using msfvenom payload :
You can use netcat or msfconsole at port 443