Jerry — HTB Walkthrough
Easy on deploy.
Nmap Scan
PORT 8080 Enumeration
Visiting website it shows us
Visiting links to manager , host and web-app. All were password protected.
Ran gobuster and it revealed directories
1) docs : containing tomcat 7.0.88 documentation
2) manager : manager page but password protected.
3)examples: to shows servlet examples
All three were of no use so I decided to run a nikto scan which says
A default account page is found . Let’s enumerate it, using username : tomcat password : s3cret
Enumerating it shows us option to deploy a war file
Let’s create a malicious war file using msfvenom and upload it.
After deploying it we see, it is shown in list of deployed apps.
Open netcat listener on your machine at port 1234 and visit the shell
Woahh!! Got the shell
There was no need for escalating privileges as we were already system
So going to Administrator we find our flags
ROOTED !!!!!