LAZY — HTB walkthrough
Easy if you spotted the right thing at right time. MESSING is the key.
Visiting the site we get
Did following and got nothing
— nikto scan ; — gobuster scan; — wfuzz
Let’s capture the login request on burp to see what’s happening.
On changing auth value to something else, like replacing even a single character gives invalid padding. This is prone to padding attack
Time to exploit
Using padbuster : do login again and capture the response
Now using this auth in padbuster , first decrypt this cookie into base64
Syntax : Padbuster URL EncryptedSample BlockSize [options]
Url =
Block Size: 8 bytes
Cookies = auth cookie
Encoding = 0
{Encoding Format of Sample (Default 0) 0=Base64, 1=Lower HEX, 2=Upper HEX , 3=.NET UrlToken , 4=WebSafe Base64}
Decoding this gives us “user=n00bDi”
Well we need user=admin for forgery so we will encrypt the same cookie with user admin instead of n00bDi. For this use padbuster and do as follows
Now that we have got our encrypted value it’s time to log in, for this we will add our auth cookie to login request
Change the value of auth in next requests too. And you will see you are logged in as admin
It shows us link to ssh keys . And displays name in the URL
Name: mitsos && Key : id_rsa < copy whole key to this file and give permissions 600>
We have a backup folder in our directory which has suid bit on.
It has command to cat /etc/shadow , this means it will open /etc/shadow for us. We see we don’t have direct access to /etc/shadow but on running backup we can see it.
Great !!! We can do two things
1) exploit cat command because suid program is calling cat and we can edit cat to open /bin/sh using sudo permissions
2) We can crack password using /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd and john
1) To do this follow the steps:
a) create cat file
b) write command to execute /bin/sh
c) give file permissions to execute
d) export path variable
e) run cat command
Since we changes path we could not access id and ls command , because /bin cannot be accessed so.
2) Using John , we can see it is taking enormous time, quite a waste.